Saturday, July 30, 2011

Salam Ramadhan.

Only few steps left to reach Ramadhan. My first time to feel the average of 18 hours fasting. We were like in chaos. Thinking what to eat for berbuka and sahur. How to do tarawikh. Isya' is in the midnight. Hope that my friends and I will be able to do that. Who's going to cook. Sahur time will be ended as early as 3.30 am. Berbuka time will be started when Maghrib hits the day which will be only in the range of 8.30 pm or 9.30 pm throughout the month. Please be greatful that you are living in Malaysia where the time of Subuh, Zohor, Maghrib, Asar, Maghrib and Isya' are approximately fixed throughout the year.

Ramadhan is not coming yet but I miss Bazaar Ramadhan badly. How I wish that I could shop at Bazaar Ramadhan with family and friends. Arranging the places of bazaar with my class/room-ate everyday. One of the sweetest memories during Ramadhan. By the way, food here is very limited for us. Nothing much could be cooked.

Prepared by me, Syafiq and Sherif last night.

May Allah SWT grant us with strength and spirit to collect good deeds during this blessed month. Salam Ramadhan to all especially my family.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Delicate Paris

When one of your important mediums to socialize in virtual with people could not be reached, you should be feeling something weird. It was my own fault that I never knew and I never took precaution about all Facebook viruses. By the way, life is going back to normal these days. I am in a good health so far, thanks to Allah.

I went to groceries this morning and grabbed two pieces of croissant. Now, I am into croissant since I bought pieces of French Croissant when I was in Paris.


French Croissants are in the basket. Made from puff pastry layered with some butter and could be more appetizing by adding berry jam. Also can be found wrapped with chocolate, cheese, almond and etc.


One of the never-forgotten obsessions in Paris:


French Mini Macaron. The best feeling I have ever had in Paris.

French encloses with great history of bakery. Could be such a loss if you fail in trying one of them.





It is not reasonable for me and my friends to live in Paris. The food and every single thing are expensive. It's okay if rich people think the other way round. Nevertheless, it is considerable if at least you try once.

Chicken cutlet.

Melted cheese with beef.

Beef kebab.

The lunch.

Ramadhan is coming, be ready guys!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Paris: Part 1

Unexpected and unplanned. I've been there. This soul and body were there for last 3 days. Help me with one slap on my cheek! Everyone dreams of it. So do I. Within one night the decision was made. Ok, esok petang kite pergi beli tiket, malam terus gerak. Let me tell you once again this was an unintentional trip.

3 words for PARIS: beautiful beautiful beautiful.
Another 3 words for PARIS: expensive dirty unsafe.

First day was horrible. Padan muka sapa suruh tak alert betul betul. Unplanned sangat kan. I don't feel like I want to spoil my current mood of writing. That is why the entry got Part 1 words after the colon sign. Still around a lot of fun of course. Here we go!

Paris Metro Subway.








Part of thousands people.

Tetapi secara tiba-tiba hari hujan maka beramai-ramaian balik untuk tunaikan apa yang patut dan datang sekali lagi waktu malam.






Still managed to drop by at several places of Paris Attractions.


Arc de Triomphe.

Replica of the Statue of Liberty.

Louvre Pyramid.

Since the day's getting darker we ran to subway to catch the night view of Eiffel. Tak sabaq wei nak tengok Eiffel kelip kelip.

Second floor of the train.




Sempat tengok Eiffel berkelip-kelip around 5-10 minutes.


Why I said it is unsafe. Why I said it is dirty. Why I said it is expensive. Pickpockets were behind me all around, smell of pee was everywhere along the Metro Station, dishonesty of people and ETC. Semestinya taraf hidup kota metropolitan kelas dunia ini sangat tinggi. The prices are like double or triple to Germany I guess. Heidelberg is much much better than Paris. Bersih, jujur dan aman. Second day dekat Paris meraung-raung rindukan Germany.

Till then love.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lesson learned or lesson learnt?

Assalamualaikum all.

Been busy with classes. Everyone hates classes. Please agree. But the saddest thing: our Sunday was like duduk dalam bilik diam diam sampai lebam. What a waste.

The day after Sunday was okay. Perempuan mogok suruh lelaki masak nasik dan lauk. Kami duduk diam diam dalam bilik. Depa nak masak kari ayam woihh. Tapi masih suruh kami kupas kulit ubi kentang sebab tak terer kata depa.

Resipi Sherif:

Rebus ayam dan kentang dalam satu periuk.

Kuah kari tumis dalam periuk berasingan. Bahan-bahan serbuk kari + serbuk cili + perencah kari mee maggi.

Tiada tambahan santan atau susu cair. Masukkan tumisan rempah ke dalam periuk kot dan mungkin air rebusan tadi dikurangkan sedikit.

Jadi dah. Curry without coconut milk. Masih sedap dan yang paling penting sihat sedikit tanpa kolestrol santan.

Setiap kali makan nasik, semua orang makan dengan lahap. Masih lagi setiap malam kami makan nasik. Nasik berlauk sardin tanpa tumisan bawang pun sangat sedap dimakan sampai rasa nak jilat pinggan.

Kami belajar berjimat secara besar-besaran. Kami belajar makan apa sahaja yang ada. Kami belajar menghargai sesuatu sehinggakan sebutir nasik tumpah pun kutip balik. Teringat balik nasik yang dibuang-buang dulu-dulu. Kalau kat Malaysia nasi separuh pinggan tak habis pun relax lagi kan. Kalau boleh tak nak makan kat luar langsung. Harapan agar sifat ini dibawa pulang ke tanah air nanti.

Lesson learnt.

Lesson learnt is common in British English. Lesson learned is more common in American English but still both forms are correct in British way.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Morning desire.

Instead of this


I badly miss this and this


Sincerely, Malaysia has the best food ever.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Kite pergi Mannheim nak tak hari ni.

Terus segar bugar bangun dari katil. Tak payah ajak budak budak laki. Kite pergi kite kite je. Kau perempuan perempuan! Yakin je nak pergi sendiri tanpa lelaki lelaki itu. Kami hanya bertiga naik direct train dari Heidelberg Hauptbanhof terus ke Mannheim.

Kau kenapa gemok sangat. Kalau sebelum ni wanita hanya ikut telunjuk lelaki lelaki itu kalau pergi mana mana. Kali ni berani mati dengan sekeping map di tangan.


Alhamdulillah sampai jugak. Bukan jauh pun. Ceh. Berlagak.

Street of Markplatz in Mannheim.

Hari hujan dan tiada sebarang lindugan payung atau kot hujan. Pergi cari kot hujan merata rata tempat. Tapi tak dak pon!

Akhirnya tiba di destinasi yang ditunggu tunggu. Makan time.


Tak boleh pi dengan waiter kat kedai ni. Ada pulak bila orang tanya bagaiman rupa dan isi makanan dalam buku menu dia cakap dia tak boleh nak explain sebab dia sebok. Mana kami nak faham semua dalam bahasa German. Lagi pulak nama menu pelik pelik tu tak dak dalam kamus. Ikut hati nak berambus dari kedai tu sebab lapar sangat dan hari hujan malas nak cari kedai halal lain. Last last kami main pilih ja sesuka hati.

Ini free. Kind of naan without cheese.

Ann punya menu. Paling kesian sebab menu yang ditembak adalah berupa campuran bean dan carrot. Diorang punya side dishes kot.

Yang ini sedap. Macam pizza tambah cheese. Ain pilih.

Menu ni pun boleh lah. Macam Ain punya cuma ada tambahan ayam di atas.

Sambil makan memang tak pandang langsung waiter tu. Sebab dia sorang sahaja yang boleh berbahasa Inggeris dalam restaurant tu, terpaksa berhubung dengan dia untuk take away makanan yang tak habis.

Kau tahu susah nak jumpa manusia yang boleh berbahasa Inggeris. Kalau ada pun remaja Deutsch yang berpendidikan. Masa dalam perjalanan, jumpa dengan seorang perempuan cantik beragama Islam. Excited woo bila jumpa orang seagama. Kami minta dia tunjukkan restaurant halal yang sedap dan murah. Tapi dia tak boleh berbahasa Inggeris langsung. Kami hanya berkomunikasi menggunakan isyarat tangan seumpama orang bisu. Yang mengharukan dia sanggup turun dari train bersama kami untuk tunjuk restaurant yang bersesuaian.

Jalan jalan tengok kain baju semua selama beberapa jam dan balik. Kena jimat. Tak boleh nak beli sesuka hati macam kat Malaysia. Kami tak pusing habis habisan pun sebab hari hujan. Lagi pulak suhu dalam 17 darjah celsius buat kami semua geletar satu badan without appropriate clothes.

Mannheim City

Mannheim Hauptbanhof (Main Station of Mannheim)

Balik balik makan maggi pastu tidur. Perot semakin naik.
