Saturday, July 30, 2011

Salam Ramadhan.

Only few steps left to reach Ramadhan. My first time to feel the average of 18 hours fasting. We were like in chaos. Thinking what to eat for berbuka and sahur. How to do tarawikh. Isya' is in the midnight. Hope that my friends and I will be able to do that. Who's going to cook. Sahur time will be ended as early as 3.30 am. Berbuka time will be started when Maghrib hits the day which will be only in the range of 8.30 pm or 9.30 pm throughout the month. Please be greatful that you are living in Malaysia where the time of Subuh, Zohor, Maghrib, Asar, Maghrib and Isya' are approximately fixed throughout the year.

Ramadhan is not coming yet but I miss Bazaar Ramadhan badly. How I wish that I could shop at Bazaar Ramadhan with family and friends. Arranging the places of bazaar with my class/room-ate everyday. One of the sweetest memories during Ramadhan. By the way, food here is very limited for us. Nothing much could be cooked.

Prepared by me, Syafiq and Sherif last night.

May Allah SWT grant us with strength and spirit to collect good deeds during this blessed month. Salam Ramadhan to all especially my family.